Neighborhood Network
Disclaimer:This list will grow and shrink as neighbors come and go. Listing their names and what they create, produce, provide or otherwise, does not imply that the association approves of, enjoys or otherwise holds an opinion pro or con on the content of their offerings to this community. However, we suggest that people make up their own minds and simply enjoy the rich landscape of neighbors that fill our canyon.
If you live in our canyon and perform a service or produce a play, perform in a band, create jewelry, teach yoga, massage, walk dogs or any other gift that you would like to share with your neighbors, please let us know. We will use this page to let you brag a bit. Enjoy:
Alan Brackett Released a CD
Why not buy the CD?
Alise and Arturs are BB One Technologies
Local phone number: 310-905-7793
Carol Bishop The Perfect Exposure Gallery
Adam Fischer, Computer Repair & More!
Heidi Hornbacher of Impact Personal Safety:
Remy Jaffe Unique Ceramics:
Soren Kerk Computer Caregiver, Poems on Demand, Web Design:
Florence-Isabelle Megginson Design:
Sara Melson Private In-Home Yoga! ~
Sara’s phone: 323-481-3243
Sara Melson ~ Piano Teacher for kids of ALL ages:
Paula Pister ~ Yoga & Health Coach
Facebook Page while website is under construction
Gregory Randall, Urban Wildlife Ecologist (See Wildlife Resources for his video)
Reiki for Pets and their People
Joan Seidel Word Processing, Data Entry 323.466.2888
Dr. Steve Smith (Local Veterinarian)
Viva Sullivan Fine Picture Framing: studio 323-467-7411 mobile 323-240-2442
Michelle White (mom and dog lover) DOG WALKER/SITTER 323-496-7632.