Help Save The Villa Carlotta!

Villa CarlottaYou don’t have to do much but what you do can preserve our neighborhood.

A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27th at City Hall in Room 1020.
It would be great if you could attend and voice your protest to the development of an apartment building into a hotel. What’s happening all over Hollywood, the eviction of tenants in rent control apartments and conversion into a hotel allowing a steady stream of non-interested strangers throughout our community!
They are asking for zoning changes; they propose to demolish a duplex and build a 19 space parking lot for a 50 unit hotel; they want a liquor license (I think because the restaurants and bars on Franklin are 25 feet too far from the Villa Carlotta).
They’d also like to waive the space (setback) around the building so they they can extend to the property line!
There’s a lot to dislike about this project. Our Councilmember David Ryu has voiced his opposition to this project but he and the Zoning Administrator need your help!
Please take a minute to write a letter and send via e-mail opposing these requests.